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argents是什么意思 argents的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-11 01:51:20
  • 814

argents是什么意思 argents的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性:argents是一个名词,意为“银质物品”。


- The museum's collection includes a variety of argents, such as silverware, candlesticks, and jewelry.(博物馆的藏品包括各种各样的银质物品,如银餐具、烛台和珠宝。)

- The shop specializes in selling high-end argents, such as silver tea sets and trays.(这家店专门销售高端银质物品,如银茶具和托盘。)

2. 来源和历史:argents源于法语,是“银色的”或“银制的”的意思,常用于中世纪贵族家庭的家具和装饰品中。


- The castle's interior was decorated with luxurious argents, such as silver candelabras and vases.(城堡内部装饰着豪华的银制物品,如银烛台和花瓶。)

- The museum's exhibit showcased a range of exquisite argents from the 12th to the 16th century.(博物馆的展品展示了从12世纪到16世纪的一系列精美银质物品。)

3. 专业术语:在艺术、设计、装饰等领域中,argents可以指特定类型的银质物品。


- The jewelry artist was known for her intricate argents, such as silver brooches and necklaces.(这位珠宝艺术家以她繁复的银质物品而闻名,如银针和项链。)

- The interior designer incorporated some beautiful argents into the overall design of the room, such as silver photo frames and candlesticks.(室内设计师将一些美丽的银质物品纳入房间的整体设计中,如银相框和烛台。)

4. 缩写:argents也可以指“argentums”,即“银元素”,在化学和科学领域中使用。


- The chemist explained the properties of argents in his lecture on precious metals.(化学家在他对贵金属的讲座中解释了银元素的性质。)

- The laboratory technician used argents in his experiments involving electroplating.(实验室技术员在他的电镀实验中使用了银元素。)

5. 引申含义:在文学和诗歌中,argents也可以作为一种象征或比喻,代表财富、权力或珍贵之物。


- The poet described the villain as a collector of argents and precious jewels, symbolizing his greed and corruption.(诗人将反派描绘成一个收藏银质物品和珍宝的人,象征着他的贪婪和。)

- The novel's protagonist inherited a family heirloom of silver argents, representing his family's wealth and heritage.(小说的主人公继承了家族的银质物品,代表着他家族的财富和遗产。)


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