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sigari是什么意思 sigari的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-21 00:56:05
  • 80

sigari是什么意思 sigari的读音、翻译、用法

1. 来源与含义:'sigari' 是波斯语中“香烟”的意思。在英语中,'sigari' 可以用来指香烟,尤其是在波斯语国家的文化环境中使用。

2. 意义扩展,'sigari' 还可以用来表示对抽烟行为的态度或看法,比如赞赏、反感、嘲讽等。在某些文化环境中,这个词还可以与社交场合和身份等相关联。

3. 泛音词汇:在英语中,'sigari' 这个词的发音和“cigar”非常相似,因此在一些场合下,这个词可能会被误认为是“cigar”的变体或拼写错误。

4. 联想词汇:通过联想,'sigari' 可以和一些相关的词汇联系在一起,比如烟民(smoker)、香烟机(cigarette machine)、(tobacco)等。


but smoking is not permitted here. No sigaris allowed."


2. "I don't understand why so many people still smoke. Sigaris are a bad habit."


3. "He's always showing off with his fancy sigaris. It's so superficial."


4. "As a doctor, I cannot recommend sigaris to my patients. It's a health hazard."


5. "I bought a pack of sigaris from the duty-free shop at the airport. They're much cheaper here than in my country."



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