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militar是什么意思 militar的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-17 02:49:51
  • 481

militar是什么意思 militar的读音、翻译、用法


1. 定义和词源解析:解释“militar”所代表的含义和起源;

2. 用法和常见短语:介绍“militar”单词和缩写词的用法和常见搭配;

3. 例句解析:提供5个中英文例句,帮助读者更好地理解和应用“militar”的用法。

1. 定义和词源解析

“Militar”是一个拉丁语单词,意为“军事的”。在英语中,“militar”通常用作形容词,指涉军事或与军事有关的事物或行为。例如,“militar tactics”(军事战术)、“militar intervention”(军事干预)等。第1,“militar”也可以作为名词,表示一种军事制度或文化。例如,“the militar”(军)等。

2. 用法和常见短语


- militar alliance(军事联盟):a formal agreement between two or more countries to support each other in case of a military attack;

- militar budget(军事预算):the amount of money that a government or organization spends on military activities;

- militar coup(军事):the sudden and often violent overthrow of a government by a group of military officers;

- militar intelligence(军事情报):information about the military plans, weapons, and activities of an enemy country;

- militar training(军事训练):the process of preparing soldiers for ware or other military duties.

3. 例句解析


1. The United States has the world's largest militar budget, spending more than $600 billion each year on its military.(美国有着世界上最大的军事预算,在军事上每年花费超过6000亿美元。)

2. Japan's Self-Defense Force is a militar organization, but it is not allowed to engage in offensive military actions.(日本的自卫队是一种军事组织,但是它不允许进行攻击性的军事行动。)

3. The militars in Myanmar staged a coup in February 2021 and overthrew the democratically-elected government.(缅甸的军在2021年2月发动,推翻了当选的。)

4. The militars in North Korea possess nuclear weapons, which pose a serious threat to international security.(的拥有,对国际安全构成了严重威胁。)

5. Militar history is an important subject in many countries, as it helps people understand how wars have shaped the world we live in.(军事历史是许多国家中重要的学科,它可以帮助人们了解战争如何塑造了我们生活的世界。)


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