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asperges是什么意思 asperges的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-11 05:43:59
  • 363

asperges是什么意思 asperges的读音、翻译、用法


1. 教仪式中的洒水礼(一种洒水仪式),神职人员使用酒和水混合物洒水

2. 法语中的蘆筍


- asperges me: 洒我 (教祈祷仪式中用于神职人员洒水时说的话)

- asperges rite: 洒水礼仪

- asperges brush: 洒水刷

- asperges bowl: 洒水盆


- asperges holy water: 洒下神圣的水

- asperges ceremony: 洒水仪式



1. The priest performed the asperges rite before the mass began. (牧师在弥撒开始前进行了洒水礼仪。)

2. Asperges me, Domine, hyssopo, et mundabor; lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor. (洒我吧,上帝,使用牛膝草,我就会洁净;请洗我,我就会比雪更洁白。)

3. Asperges brushes are commonly used for cleaning church vessels. (洒水刷通常用于清洁教堂器皿。)

4. The asperges bowl was filled with a mixture of wine and water for the ceremony. (洒水盆里装着混合酒和水的混合物供仪式使用。)

5. The asperges ceremony is an important part of the Catholic Mass. (洒水仪式是教弥撒的重要组成部分。)

6. I love asparagus, especially when it's grilled. (我喜欢蘆筍,特别是烤的。)

7. Asparagus is a delicious and healthy vegetable that is high in vitamins and minerals. (蘆筍是一种美味又健康的蔬菜,富含维生素和矿物质。)


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