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bursche是什么意思 bursche的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-05 09:59:48
  • 5

bursche是什么意思 bursche的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词源与发音: 'bursche'来自于德语,意为男孩或者伙计,发音为/'bʊəʃə/。


- The bursche was wearing a green jacket and had a friendly smile on his face.

- He hired a bursche to help him with the heavy lifting.

- A group of young bursches were playing soccer in the park.


- 那个伙计穿着绿色的夹克,脸上挂着友好的微笑。

- 他雇了一个男孩帮他搬运重物。

- 一群年轻的伙计在公园里踢足球。

2. 比喻意义: 'bursche'也可以用来形容某人的行为举止像个年轻的伙计,通常带有贬义的意味。


- Don't act like a bursche, grow up and take responsibility for your actions.

- He's been acting like a bursche since he got that new job.

- She was disappointed to see her husband acting like a bursche at the party.


- 不要表现得像个不成熟的年轻人,要成熟地对自己的行为负责。

- 自从他得到了那份新工作以来,他一直表现得像个年轻的伙计。

- 她很失望地看到丈夫在聚会上表现得像个年轻的伙计。

3. 缩写词: 'Bursche'还可以表示某些缩写词,比如BSc代表文学士学位,BA代表文学学士学位,以及BEng代表工程学士学位等。


- She's studying for her BSc in Chemistry at the University of Manchester.

- After completing his BEng in Electrical Engineering, he got a job at a tech firm in Silicon Valley.

- He decided to pursue a BA in English Literature instead of going to law school.


- 她正在曼彻斯特大学攻读化学文学士学位。

- 完成了电气工程学士学位后,他在硅谷一家科技公司找到了工作。

- 他决定攻读英语文学学士学位而不是去法学院。


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