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expansion是什么意思 expansion的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-03 03:18:25
  • 106

expansion是什么意思 expansion的读音、翻译、用法


1. 扩张:这指的是一个组织、企业、国家等向外扩张的过程,通常是通过增加规模、进军新市场、收购其他公司等方式来实现。


- The company's rapid expansion into Asia has resulted in significant profits.

- The government's expansion of trade agreements has boosted the country's economy.

- The expansion of the university campus has led to the construction of several new buildings.

2. 扩展:这是指一个概念、理论、工具等向更广泛的领域应用的过程,通常是为了更好地解决问题或者提升效率。


- The expansion of the concept of human rights has led to greater social awareness and justice.

- The expansion of technology in education has led to more accessible and personalized learning experiences.

- The expansion of scientific research has led to breakthroughs in medicine and health care.

3. 膨胀:这指的是物体或者材料的体积、数量等增加的过程,通常是因为加热、吸收水分等原因引起。


- The expansion of the metal caused it to warp and deform.

- The expansion of the bread dough in the oven led to a perfectly risen loaf.

- The expansion of the balloon was caused by the increase in air pressure inside.


1. The company's rapid expansion into Asia has resulted in significant profits.(公司对亚洲市场的迅速扩张带来了可观的利润)

2. The expansion of technology in education has led to more accessible and personalized learning experiences. (技术在教育中的应用拓展了学习的渠道,个性化的教育方式也得到了发展)

3. The expansion of the university campus has led to the construction of several new buildings.(大学校园的扩建导致了几座新建筑的兴建)

4. The expansion of the metal caused it to warp and deform.(金属扩张导致了其变形)

5. The expansion of the concept of human rights has led to greater social awareness and justice.(理念的扩展促进了社会观念的提升,为社会带来了更多的公正和正义)


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