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verra是什么意思 verra的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-05-08 14:38:15
  • 574

verra是什么意思 verra的读音、翻译、用法

1. VERA作为名词,可指代卫星地球观测系统(VLBI实时分析系统,VLBI Explorer for Real-time Analysis),用于进行地球物理探测和空间科学研究。


- VERA is a high-precision astrometry instrument for the study of the three-dimensional structure of the Milky Way galaxy.

- The VERA project is a collaborative effort between Japanese and international radio astronomy organizations.

2. VERA是一种英文女性名字,意为“真实的”(Vera as a given name meaning "true" or "faithful").


- Vera is a popular name for baby girls in English-speaking countries.

- Vera Lynn was a famous British singer during World War II.

3. VERA也可以是一家英国的高端家居品牌,专门设计和生产时尚、舒适和高品质的床上用品、浴室用品和生活用品。


- I recently purchased a set of Vera towels and they are the softest and most absorbent towels I've ever owned.

- Vera bedding is known for its luxurious feel and unique designs.

4. VERA还可以作为缩写词,代表"Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms",指代一个在线的缩写词词典,提供了各种各样的缩写词的解释。


- I always use the VERA website to look up unfamiliar acronyms and abbreviations.

- VERA is a valuable resource for students and professionals in a variety of fields.


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