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greenspan是什么意思 greenspan的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-26 14:16:25
  • 829

greenspan是什么意思 greenspan的读音、翻译、用法

1. Greenspan作为人名:

Alan Greenspan是美国前联邦储备委员会,被认为是全球金融界的重要人物之一。这个词可以用来指代这位人物或者他的观点和政策。


- Greenspan在90年代推行了一系列货币政策。

(Greenspan implemented a series of monetary policies in the 1990s.)

- 一位资深经济学家认为Greenspan这一代人所面临的问题比现在的问题更为严重。

(A senior economist argues that the problems faced by Greenspan's generation were more severe than the ones we face now.)

2. Greenspan作为缩写词:



- Greenspan模型显示,今年的经济增长率预计为5%。

(The Greenspan model shows that this year's economic growth rate is expected to be 5%.)

- 投资者使用Greenspan模型来做出决策。

(Investors use the Greenspan model to make decisions.)

3. Greenspan作为常见名词:



- Greenspan经济学认为,自由市场能够最有效地分配资源。

(Greenspan economics holds that free markets are the most efficient way to allocate resources.)

- 一些学者认为,Greenspan经济学在过去的几十年中已经导致了许多社会问题。

(Some scholars argue that Greenspan economics has led to many societal problems over the past few decades.)


1. Alan Greenspan initiated a controversial policy of low interest rates during his tenure as Fed chairman.

(Alan Greenspan 在其担任美联储期间,推出了一个备受争议的低利率政策。)

2. The Greenspan model predicts that inflation will remain low for the foreseeable future.

(Greenspan 模型通货膨胀在可预见的未来会保持低水平。)

3. Some economists attribute the 2008 financial crisis to the laissez-faire policies espoused by Greenspan and his followers.

(一些经济学家将 2008 年的金融危机归因于 Greenspan 及其追随者所声称的“放任政策”。)

4. Students in economics cl often study the theories of Greenspan and other free market advocates.


5. The Greenspan Put refers to the perceived tendency of the Fed to lower interest rates in response to financial instability.

(Greenspan Put 是指美联储在面对金融不稳定时降低利率的一种看法。)


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