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wipe off是什么意思 wipe off的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-03 05:05:11
  • 896

wipe off是什么意思 wipe off的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词汇含义:

“Wipe off” 是一个动词短语,表示用布、纸巾等物品擦掉表面的渍或物质,清除某物。

2. 语法用法:

“Wipe off” 通常用于及物动词的句子结构中。其常见的句型有:

- wipe off + noun:擦去某物

- wipe off + dirt/dust/stain:擦去渍/灰尘/渍

- wipe something off + something:从某物上擦去某物

- wipe something off + somebody:从某人身上擦去某物

3. 同义词:

“Wipe off” 的近义词包括 “clean off”, “rub off” 等。

4. 常见表达:

“Wipe off” 还可以衍生出以下相关表达:

- wipe something down:擦拭某物

- wipe something clean:彻底擦洗某物

- wipe away tears:擦去眼泪


1. She wiped off the table after dinner.(她在晚餐后擦掉了桌子上的渍。)

2. I need to wipe off the dust from my ss.(我需要擦去鞋子上的灰尘。)

3. He wiped off the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.(他用手绢把额头上的汗擦掉了。)

4. She wiped the makeup off her face before going to bed.(她睡觉前擦掉了脸上的化妆品。)

5. The teacher wiped the chalk off the blackboard.(老师擦掉了黑板上的粉笔。)


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