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sensors是什么意思 sensors的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-20 11:24:36
  • 710

sensors是什么意思 sensors的读音、翻译、用法

词义:sensors 是名词,指的是一种用于测量、探测或监测环境、物体、现象等的设备或装置。


词组搭配:sensor technology(传感技术)、sensor data(传感器数据)、sensor network(传感器网络)、sensor array(传感器阵列)、sensor fusion(传感器融合)




1. This car is equipped with sensors to detect obstacles and avoid collisions.(这辆汽车配备了传感器来检测障碍物并避免碰撞。)

2. The sensors in the weather station measure temperature, humidity, and air pressure.(气象站里的传感器测量温度、湿度和气压。)

3. Our new security system uses motion sensors and cameras to detect intruders.(我们的新安全系统使用运动传感器和摄像头来侦测入侵者。)

4. The factory uses sensors to monitor the production process and ensure quality control.(工厂使用传感器来监测生产过程并确保质量控制。)

5. The research team is developing a new type of sensor that can detect changes in the earth's magnetic field.(研究团队正在开发一种新型传感器,可以探测地球磁场的变化。)

6. The sensors on the car's tires measure tire pressure and send the data to the dashboard.(汽车轮胎上的传感器测量轮胎压力并将数据发送到仪表盘。)

7. The spacecraft is equipped with sensors to collect data on the atmosphere and suce of the planet.(航天器配备了传感器,用于收集行星的大气和表面数据。)


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