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nativist是什么意思 nativist的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-23 07:08:27
  • 726

nativist是什么意思 nativist的读音、翻译、用法


1. 语言学理论:在语言学中,nativist理论指的是关于语言天赋和先天语言能力的理论。这个理论认为人类天生具有语言习得的能力,而且语言习得是没有教学也能自然发生的。这个理论的先驱是诺姆·乔姆斯基。


- According to the nativist theory of language acquisition, humans are born with an innate ability to learn language.

- There is much debate among linguists about the validity of the nativist approach to language learning.

2. /社会理论:在和社会学领域,nativist意味着强调本土和本国利益的人。这个论点是反对移民和外国人入境的思想,认为对本土经济和文化构成威胁。这个思想在许多西方国家得到了较广泛的支持,例如美国、英国和法国等。


- Some nativist political groups in Europe are currently pushing for stricter immigration policies.

- The rise of nativist sentiment in the United States has raised concerns about the country's future as a melting pot of cultures.

3. 艺术/文化领域:在艺术和文化领域,nativist通常指的是拥护本土文化和传统的运动或者风格。例如,在美术中,nativist风格可能指的是以本土图案和颜色为主的作品。


- The nativist art movement in Mexico sought to highlight the country's indigenous cultures and traditions.

- The use of native materials is a key feature of many nativist fashion designs.

4. 教育领域:在教育领域,nativist也可以指的是支持本土语言和文化教育的人。这个立场认为,学生应该了解和尊重自己的文化背景,并且教育体系应该反映出这种多样性。


- The nativist approach to language education emphasizes the use of students' native language as a means of instruction.

- Some schools in the United States have faced criticism for their lack of support for nativist cultural education programs.


1. Nativist theory emphasizes the innate ability of humans to learn language. (语言学理论)

2. Nativist sentiment has led to stricter immigration policies in some Western countries. (/社会理论)

3. The nativist art movement in Mexico sought to highlight the country's indigenous cultures and traditions. (艺术/文化领域)

4. The nativist approach to language education emphasizes the use of students' native language. (教育领域)

5. The rise of nativist sentiment in the United States has raised concerns about the country's future as a melting pot of cultures. (/社会理论)


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