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wumadiguo是什么意思 wumadiguo的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-05 12:38:57
  • 808

wumadiguo是什么意思 wumadiguo的读音、翻译、用法





发音拼写:wu-ma-di-guo (wǔ mǎ tí guǒ)


1. 五马蹄莲是一种水生植物,生长在池塘中,被誉为水中珍品。

Wumadiguo is an aquatic plant that grows in ponds and is known as a treasure in water.

2. 五马蹄莲是一种美丽的水生植物,它的花大而美丽,被誉为水上莲花。

Wumadiguo is a beautiful aquatic plant with large and beautiful flowers, known as water lilies.

3. 五马蹄莲的根茎可以用来制作中药,有清热解毒、利水消肿的功效。

The roots and rhizomes of Wumadiguo can be used to make traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effects of clearing heat, detoxifying, diuresis and anti-inflammatory.

4. 热天喝一碗五马蹄莲汤,可以解暑降温,清热解毒。

Drinking a bowl of Wumadiguo soup on a hot day can relieve heat and detoxify.

5. 五马蹄莲的茎和叶上面有小刺毛,所以不要用手直接触摸。

The stems and leaves of Wumadiguo have small thorns, so do not touch them directly with your hands.


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