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battalion是什么意思 battalion的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-22 05:47:47
  • 393

battalion是什么意思 battalion的读音、翻译、用法


1. Definition: A battalion is a large military unit consisting of two or more companies or batteries. It is typically composed of 300-1,200 soldiers and commanded by a lieutenant colonel.

Example sentence: The battalion deployed to the warzone to provide support for ground troops.

2. History: The term 'battalion' originated from the Italian word 'battaglione,' meaning a battle formation. It has been used since the 16th century to refer to a unit of soldiers.

Example sentence: The battalion's history dates back to the Revolutionary War.

3. Organization: A battalion is usually organized into three to five companies, each under the command of a captain or a major. It is responsible for carrying out specific tasks and missions assigned by higher authorities.

Example sentence: The battalion's A and B companies were assigned to secure the left flank of the battlefield.

4. Communication: To ensure effective communication within a battalion, soldiers are assigned specific radio frequencies and call signs. They also use a variety of hand signals and code words to convey messages.

Example sentence: The battalion's radio operator relayed the target coordinates to the artillery unit.

5. Role in modern ware: In modern ware, a battalion plays a critical role in both offensive and defensive operations. It is often used to hold key terrain, conduct raids, and support larger operations.

Example sentence: The battalion's mission was to secure the bridgehead and deny enemy forces access to the vital supply routes.

Overall, the word 'battalion' has a rich and complex history, and its significance varies depending on the context in which it is used. Here are five example sentences in both Chinese and English:

1. The infantry battalion was ordered to advance to the front line. (步兵营奉命前进至前线。)

2. The battalion commander was responsible for the training and discipline of his troops. (营长负责训练和纪律管理。)

3. The artillery battalion provided fire support for the infantry during the assault. (炮兵营在进攻中为步兵提供火力支援。)

4. The battalion's mission was to search and destroy the enemy's weapon caches. (该营任务是搜索并摧毁敌人的武器库。)

5. The armored battalion consisted of tanks, mechanized infantry, and support units. (装甲营由坦克、机械化步兵和支援组成。)


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