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robotaxi是什么意思 robotaxi的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-14 09:54:53
  • 142

robotaxi是什么意思 robotaxi的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义方面:'robotaxi'是一个结合了“机器人”和“出租车”概念的新词,指的是由无人驾驶技术控制的出租车。它被认为是自动驾驶技术的一大应用场景。


- Robotaxis are already being tested in several cities around the world.

- The introduction of the robotaxi will revolutionize the taxi industry.

- Many experts predict that robotaxis will become the norm in the near future.

2. 技术方面:'robotaxi'使用无人驾驶技术,通过各种传感器和网络连接进行自主导航和远程控制。第1,它也采用人工智能等高科技手段,能够自动应答乘客的需求。


- The robotaxi uses advanced sensors to detect obstacles on the road.

- Artificial intelligence plays a key role in the smooth operation of the robotaxi.

- The robotaxi is programmed to respond quickly to passenger requests.

3. 影响方面:'robotaxi'的出现对城市交通、环境保护、经济和社会等方面都产生了深远影响。它可以提高出租车服务的效率和质量,同时也降低了人类驾驶车辆的风险。


- The robotaxi could reduce traffic congestion and emissions in cities.

- The introduction of robotaxis could lead to job losses in the transportation industry.

- Many people are concerned about the safety and security of robotaxis.



- The robotaxi could transform the way we think about transportation.

- Some people are hesitant to use a robotaxi because they prefer the personal touch of a human driver.

- The development of robotaxis is still in its early stages, but many companies are investing heavily in this technology.


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