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jump then fall是什么意思 jump then fall的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-29 03:34:30
  • 832

jump then fall是什么意思 jump then fall的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词义:jump then fall指的是先跳跃再落下的动作或状态。

2. 词性:jump是动词,表示跳跃;then是副词,表示时间或顺序的转移;fall是动词,表示落下或倒下。

3. 词组搭配:jump then fall常用于描述体育运动或动作,如跳水、跳高、跳伞等。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:[dʒʌmp] [ðɛn] [fɔl]


1. She took a deep breath and then jumped off the diving board, trailing a stream of bubbles as she plunged into the water, her body arcing gracefully before she hit the suce and then fell into the pool. 她深吸一口气后跳下跳板,身体优美地弯曲着,留下一串气泡,然后砸进水里,最后落入游泳池。

2. The cat perched on the windowsill, watching the birds in the tree outside. Suddenly, it leapt from the sill, soaring through the air before it then fell, claws outstretched, onto its prey. 猫咪在窗台上栖息着,观察着窗外树上的鸟儿。突然它跳起来,翱翔着,然后猛然落下,爪子伸出,抓住了猎物。

3. The bungee jumper stood on the edge of the bridge, feeling her heart pounding in her chest. She closed her eyes and then, with a deep breath, jumped, free-falling towards the river below. 蹦极者站在桥边,感到自己的心脏在猛烈跳动。她闭着眼睛,深吸一口气,然后跳了下去,自由落体,朝着的河流飞驰而去。

4. The gymnast launched herself into the air, executing a series of flips and twists before she then fell neatly onto the mat, her body perfectly poised for the next move. 体操运动员跃入空中,完成一系列的翻转和扭转,然后优雅地落在垫子上,身体完美地准备着下一个动作。

5. The skydiver felt the rush of wind in her face as she hurtled through the sky, her parachute nowhere in sight. She knew she had only moments before she would hit the ground, and so she took a deep breath and then fell, trusting that her skills and training would keep her safe. 跳伞者感觉到风在她的脸上急速掠过,她在空中疾飞,看不到降落伞。她知道她只有几秒钟的时间来做出决定,于是她深吸一口气,然后跌落,相信她的技能和训练会让她安全着陆。


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