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twigg是什么意思 twigg的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-14 00:30:11
  • 672

twigg是什么意思 twigg的读音、翻译、用法

'twigg' 不是一个正式的英语单词,可能是拼写错误或拟音。根据语境和背景,也许可以猜测出它的具体含义。


1. twig(名词):树枝

- The birds built their nest on a twig.(鸟儿在一根树枝上筑巢。)

- He snapped the twig in half.(他把树枝掰成了两半。)

2. twigs(动词,第三人称单数):理解,领会

- She twigs quickly and is very perceptive.(她领悟力强,非常敏锐。)

3. twigs(名词,复数):柴火,小细木条

- We collected some twigs to start the fire.(我们收集了一些小细木条来生火。)

- The twigs snapped and crackled in the fire.(柴火在火中噼啪作响。)

4. twiggy(形容词):有很多小树枝的,瘦小的

- Her hair was short and twiggy.(她的头发短而细,像小树枝一样。)

5. twig it(短语):理解,明白

- After a few minutes, he twigged it and started to laugh.(几分钟后,他明白了过来,开始笑起来。)

6. in a twigg(短语):一会儿,片刻

- She'll be here in a twigg.(她一会儿就到了。)

7. twigg(姓氏):特威格(一些人的姓氏)

- Mr. Twigg is our new neighbor.(特威格先生是我们的新邻居。)


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