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jakobsen是什么意思 jakobsen的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-29 02:30:55
  • 44

jakobsen是什么意思 jakobsen的读音、翻译、用法

1. 来源:Jakobsen可以是一个人的姓氏,也可以是一家公司、组织或产品的名称,如Jakobsen航空、Jakobsen咖啡。

- Example:

1. Mr. Jakobsen is a world-renowned scientist.

2. Jakobsen Inc. is a leading manufacturer of industrial machinery.

3. Jakobsen Aviation offers private jet services to high-net-worth individuals.

4. I love the taste of Jakobsen's coffee.

2. 发音:Jakobsen的发音为/jə'kɔbsən/,其中弱读"e"读作"ə","s"读作/z/。

- Example:

1. Could you please spell your last name? Is it J-A-K-O-B-S-E-N?

2. The unciation of Jakobsen is tricky for non-native speakers.

3. I had trouble understanding the spelling of Jakobsen over the phone.

3. 意义:在缩写词中,Jakobsen可能代表某个机构或疾病。例如,JAK2代表一种基因突变,相关于某些血液疾病,如骨髓增生性肿瘤。

- Example:

1. The JAK2 mutation is associated with an increased risk of blood clots.

2. The JAK2 gene is a key regulator of hematopoiesis.

3. Jakobsen's Disease is a rare genetic condition that affects only a few hundred people worldwide.

4. 历史:Jakobsen是一种古老的丹麦姓氏,可以追溯到中世纪。它可能来源于Jakob,即雅各布或Jacob的丹麦语版本。

- Example:

1. The Jakobsen family has a long and proud history in Denmark.

2. Many Danes have the surname Jakobsen.

3. Jakobsen is like the Danish equivalent of Smith or Johnson.

5. 人物:Jakobsen可以指多个具有影响力的人物,如社会学家Erling Bjøl和战争中的战士Ove Jakobsen。

- Example:

1. Erling Bjøl Jakobsen was one of the most important sociologists of the 20th century.

2. Ove Jakobsen was a brave soldier who fought for his country in Korea.

3. There are many notable people in Denmark with the surname Jakobsen.


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