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NCH是什么意思 NCH的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-14 12:54:41
  • 221

NCH是什么意思 NCH的读音、翻译、用法

1. NCH作为缩写词指代National Health Service(国民健康服务),该服务是英国公立医疗保健系统,提供全民医疗保健服务。


- The NCH is the largest single employer in Europe, providing jobs for around 1.5 million people.

- The NCH provides free healthcare services to all citizens in the UK, regardless of their economic status.

- The NCH is funded by the government and is responsible for the management and delivery of healthcare services.

2. NCH还可以指代Nottingham City Hospital(诺丁汉市医院),是英国中部地区的一所公立医院,提供综合医疗服务。


- The NCH is one of the busiest hospitals in the region, providing care to thousands of patients every year.

- The NCH has a team of highly skilled doctors and nurses who work tirelessly to provide the best possible care to their patients.

- The NCH offers a wide range of medical services, including A&E, maternity care, and cancer treatment.

3. NCH还可以是New College of the Humanities(新人文学院),是英国伦敦的一所私立大学,专注于人文学科教育。


- The NCH is widely regarded as one of the top liberal arts colleges in the UK.

- The NCH offers a unique and innovative approach to higher education, combining traditional humanities subjects with interdisciplinary studies.

- The NCH has a distinguished faculty of scholars and educators who are committed to providing the highest quality education to their students.


- The NCH is responsible for managing and delivering healthcare services in the UK.

- The NCH is one of the busiest hospitals in the region, providing care to thousands of patients every year.

- The NCH is widely regarded as one of the top liberal arts colleges in the UK.


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