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proceedings是什么意思 proceedings的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-25 09:23:32
  • 628

proceedings是什么意思 proceedings的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义方面:'proceedings'通常用来描述一场会议、研讨会、法庭审判、调查等的全过程,包含了所有的文献、文件、记录和文件流程。在出版业中,'proceedings'也可以指一个出版物系列,记录了一些特定领域中的学术论文集。


- The proceedings of the international conference on environmental sustainability are now available online.

- The court proceedings of the trial were recorded and will be used as evidence in future cases.

2. 缩写词方面:'proceedings'也有可能被缩写为'proc.',并且出现在书目和引用时。该缩写通常表明参考文献是一份会议文集、研究报告或论文集等。


- Smith, J. E. (2015). "Sustainability in business." Proc. Int. Conference Sustain. Bus.

- Johnson, L. M. (2010). "Gender in science education." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.

3. 法律方面:在法律书面语中,'proceedings'是指法庭或调停会议等的过程记录。例如,一份“divorce proceedings”指离婚诉讼案件的所有法律文件和记录。


- The journalist was allowed to attend the proceedings of the corruption trial.

- The judge announced a mistrial due to irregularities during the proceedings.


1. The proceedings of the conference will be published in a special issue of the journal. (该会议的文献会被出版在该期刊的特别数字中。)

2. The court proceedings were made available to the public after the trial. (庭审过程记录在庭审之后向公众公开。)

3. The company was sued in civil proceedings for breach of contract. (该公司因违约被起诉民事诉讼。)

4. The proceedings of the committee hearing were broadcast live on television. (委员会听证会的过程被电视直播。)

5. The research presented at the conference was later published in the proceedings. (会议上展示的研究后来被出版在文集中。)


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