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cadences是什么意思 cadences的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-07 07:16:26
  • 4

cadences是什么意思 cadences的读音、翻译、用法



词组搭配:musical cadences(音乐韵律),poetic cadences(诗歌节奏),speech cadences(语言节奏)




1. Her speech was delivered in a steady cadence that captivated the audience.(她的演讲以稳定的节奏为特征,吸引了听众。)

2. The orchestra played the melody with the perfect cadence, creating a beautiful and flowing rhythm.(管弦乐队演奏了完美的旋律,创造出美丽而流畅的韵律。)

3. The poet's use of cadence gave the words a musical quality that added to the beauty of the poem.(诗人运用韵律给诗词赋予了音乐般的质量,增加了诗歌的美感。)

4. The cadences in his voice were soothing and calming, me feel at ease.(他的语音节奏舒缓平稳,让我感到安心。)

5. The novel was praised for its lyrical cadences and vivid descriptions of nature.(这部小说因其抒情的节奏和生动的自然描写而受到好评。)

6. The singer's voice rose and fell in a beautiful cadence, bringing tears to my eyes.(歌手的声音在优美的节奏中升降,让我热泪盈眶。)

7. The writer's use of repetition and cadence gave the words a hypnotic quality that drew the reader in.(作家运用重复和节奏赋予词语一种催眠般的质量,吸引了读者。)


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