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ivy bridge是什么意思 ivy bridge的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-18 10:48:01
  • 169

ivy bridge是什么意思 ivy bridge的读音、翻译、用法

Ivy Bridge是一个计算机处理器系列的名称,由英特尔公司于2012年发布。它是Ivy Bridge微架构的首个处理器系列。Ivy Bridge是Intel第三代Core处理器,并使用了22纳米的制程工艺。

词义:Ivy Bridge指的是英特尔公司发布的一种处理器系列,使用了22纳米的制程工艺。


词组搭配:Intel Ivy Bridge、Ivy Bridge微架构、Ivy Bridge处理器、Ivy Bridge平台、Ivy Bridge架构。


发音拼写:/ˈaɪvi brɪdʒ/


1. The Ivy Bridge series enabled the company to gain a significant market share. (Ivy Bridge系列让公司在市场上占据了重要的份额。)

2. The Ivy Bridge processors were known for their high performance and low power consumption. (Ivy Bridge处理器以高性能和低能耗而著称。)

3. Ivy Bridge was a significant improvement over the previous Sandy Bridge architecture. (Ivy Bridge相比之前的Sandy Bridge架构有了显著的提升。)

4. Many computer manufacturers incorporated the Ivy Bridge platform into their products. (许多计算机制造商将Ivy Bridge平台纳入到他们的产品中。)

5. The Ivy Bridge microarchitecture brought new features and advancements to the processor industry. (Ivy Bridge微架构给处理器行业带来了新的特性和进步。)

6. Intel's Ivy Bridge processors were compatible with many different motherboards. (英特尔的Ivy Bridge处理器与许多不同的主板兼容。)

7. Ivy Bridge was the first processor series to use the 22-nanometer manufacturing process. (Ivy Bridge是第一个使用22纳米制造工艺的处理器系列。)


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