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oovoo是什么意思 oovoo的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-31 15:41:40
  • 137

oovoo是什么意思 oovoo的读音、翻译、用法


1. 应用程序名称:'oovoo'是一个由四个'o'组成的单词,它是一种视频通话和聊天应用程序。


- Do you use oovoo to communicate with your friends and family?

- I prefer to use oovoo over other video chat apps.

2. 功能:'oovoo'提供了许多功能,例如视频通话、聊天、屏幕共享、多人聊天、语音通话等。


- With oovoo, you can have group chats with up to 12 people at once.

- I love using oovoo's screen sharing feature to work on projects with my colleagues.

3. 网络术语:'oovoo'也被用作一种网络术语,它代表“out of view, out of order”,表示如果某个物体或者网页移出视线,就变得无序或者失控。


- The oovoo error occurred when I moved my computer screen out of view.

- Your website design becomes oovoo when the user scrolls to the bottom of the page.

4. 缩写词:'oovoo'也可以作为缩写词使用,例如 'out of vacation office',表示某人不在办公室,并且不接受电话或电子邮件。


- John is currently oovoo, so please leave him a message and he'll get back to you when he returns.

- The customer service department is oovoo for the weekend, but you can still send an email for assistance.


1. He was using oovoo to talk to his girlfriend who lives in another country. 他使用oovoo和他住在另一个国家的女朋友。

2. The oovoo error message popped up when I tried to join the video call. 当我试图加入视频通话时,oovoo出现了错误提示。

3. The company's oovoo system is down right now, so you'll have to use another platform to communicate. 公司的oovoo系统现在出问题了,所以你需要使用其他平台进行通信。

4. I set my oovoo status to 'out of vacation office' so that I wouldn't be bothered during my time off. 我将我的oovoo状态设置为'out of vacation office',这样我就可以在休息期间不被打扰了。

5. I like using oovoo's screen sharing feature to collaborate with my colleagues on presentations and projects. 我喜欢使用oovoo的屏幕共享功能,与同事们一起协作制作演示文稿和项目。


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