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wano是什么意思 wano的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-17 06:20:37
  • 150

wano是什么意思 wano的读音、翻译、用法

1. 作为缩写词

- WANO是“世界核电站操作者协会”(World Association of Nuclear Operators)的缩写,在核电站操作和管理方面开展国际合作。

- WANO还可以指“Whole And Not Otherwise”(全部而不是其他),常用于法律文件中表示某些事项的完整性和排他性。

- WANO也是日本漫画《海贼王》中的一个虚构岛屿和强大组织的名称。


- The WANO organization works to improve the safety and reliability of nuclear power plants around the world.

- The contract states that the agreement is WANO and does not include any other conditions.

- In the latest chapter of One Piece, the Straw Hat Pirates arrived at Wano Country.

2. 作为名词

- 如果将WANO视为一个单词,它可以被解释为一个人名,或者是地名(例如日本的和歌山县)。

- WANO还可以指一种韩国传统服装,通常由男性穿着,由宽松的外衣和紧身的裤子组成。


- Wano is a common family name in Korea.

- The Wano region in Japan is famous for its scenic beauty and delicious fruit.

- The traditional Wano outfit is usually worn during special occasions, such as weddings or festivals.

3. 作为动词

- WANO这个词也可以被当做动词使用,意思是翻转或翻倒。

- 在某些地区,WANO也是另一种表达“倾倒、灌输”的俚语。


- The strong wind caused the garbage can to wano and spill its contents onto the street.

- He accidentally wanoed the glass of water all over the table.

- The coach wanoed his team with new energy and motivation before the big game.


- WANO peer review missions are conducted every 3-4 years to s the safety, operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants.(WANO的同行评审任务每3-4年进行一次,以评估核电站的安全性、运营和维护情况。)

- When the storm hit, the boats in the harbor began to wano and collide with each other.(暴风雨袭击时,港口的船只开始翻倒并相互碰撞。)

- She was so excited that her emotions began to wano out of control.(她太激动了,情绪开始变得失控。)

- His enthusiasm for the project was contagious and began to wano through the entire team.(他对项目的热情是具有感染力的,开始在整个团队中传播。)

- The Wano outfit is characterized by its bright colors and intricate embroidery.(Wano服装以鲜艳的颜色和精美的刺绣为特色。)


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