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jike是什么意思 jike的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-09 12:43:42
  • 299

jike是什么意思 jike的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义:'jike'是指技术领域的进阶者,也可以解释为技术人才。


- Some of the brightest jikes in the industry work for this company.

- He is a jike in the field of artificial intelligence.

- The company is looking for more jikes to join their team.

2. 缩写词:'jike'也可以解释为“即刻科技”,这是一家中国公司,专注于移动互联网领域。


- Jike is one of the leading mobile internet companies in China.

- The app developed by Jike is very popular among young people in China.

- Jike's revenue has been growing rapidly in recent years.

3. 网络用语:'jike'也可以作为一种网络用语,类似于“脑残粉(brain dead fans)”,指的是疯狂追捧某个事物或人物的人。


- These jikes are so obsessed with their favorite celebrity that they will do anything for them.

- He's a jike of that new game and spends all his free time playing it.

- The jikes of that TV show are so passionate that they organize fan meetings and events regularly.

4. 英文释义:'jike'在英文中没有一个固定的释义,但可以根据上下文理解。在技术领域中,它通常是指技术人才或进阶者,而在网络用语中,它指的是疯狂追捧某个事物或人物的人。

5. 组合词:'jike'可以与其他词组合使用,例如'jike xueyuan'(技科学院,一所专注于技术培训的机构)、'jike shijian'(即刻时间,一款时间管理应用程序)等等。


- Jike Xueyuan is a great place for aspiring tech professionals to learn and grow.

- Jike Shijian is a very useful app for managing your time efficiently.

- The company's new project was developed in collaboration with Jike's team of experts.


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