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admitting是什么意思 admitting的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-27 11:09:41
  • 281

admitting是什么意思 admitting的读音、翻译、用法

1. Definition: Admitting is the present participle of the verb admit, which means to allow someone to enter a place, to confess a wrongdoing or to acknowledge the truth of a statement.

2. Synonyms: confessing, allowing, accepting, recognizing, granting.

3. Antonyms: denying, rejecting, refusing, excluding, disputing.

4. Usage: Admitting can be used in different contexts, such as admitting a patient to a hospital, admitting a student to a university, admitting a mistake, admitting guilt or admitting the truth.

5. Idioms and Phrases: Some common idiomatic expressions using admitting are "admit of," which means to allow something to be considered, and "admit to," which means to confess to something.

Example sentences:

1. I am admitting you to the hospital for further tests.


2. The university is admitting more international students this year.


3. He finally admitted his mistake and apologized.


4. The company is not admitting negligence in the lawsuit.


5. She admitted to stealing the money from the company.



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