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seal是什么意思 seal的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-19 15:06:44
  • 192

seal是什么意思 seal的读音、翻译、用法


1. (名词) 海豹

2. (名词) 封条,印章

3. (动词) 密封,封闭

4. (动词) 批准,认可

5. (动词) 掩盖,堵住




1. seal of approval 审批的印章

2. seal the deal 达成交易

3. seal off 封锁

4. seal up 填塞,密封

5. under seal and key 在加锁的情况下

6. set the seal on 决定某事

7. seal one's lips 保持沉默


1. common seal 公章

2. earless seal 无耳海豹

3. grey seal 灰海豹

4. leopard seal 豹海豹

5. monk seal 斑海豹




1. The seal is an aquatic mammal that is well-known for its blubber, which keeps it warm in cold water. (海豹是一种水生哺乳动物,以其保护自身的脂肪为人所熟知,能使它在寒冷的水中保持温暖。)

2. The document was stamped with an official seal to prove its authenticity. (这份文件印章上盖有官方印章,以证明其真实性。)

3. The container was sealed tightly to prevent any leaks. (容器被紧密密封以防止任何泄漏。)

4. The contract was sealed with a handshake between the two parties. (这份合约由双方握手达成协议。)

5. She sealed the envelope before mailing the letter. (她在寄信前密封了信封。)

6. The decision sets the seal on years of hard work. (这个决定决定了多年的努力。)

7. The spy sealed his lips and refused to betray his country. (间谍保持沉默,拒绝背叛自己的国家。)


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