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nealon是什么意思 nealon的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-12 03:04:55
  • 46

nealon是什么意思 nealon的读音、翻译、用法

Nealon是一个姓氏,也可以作为缩写词,表示“Not Even A Little Bit”,意为“一点也不”。以下是对Nealon的解释和例句:

1. Nealon作为姓氏



- Tom Nealon是一位旅游作家和出版人。

(Tom Nealon is a travel writer and publisher.)

- Mary Nealon是一位获奖小说家,她的作品反映了她在爱尔兰农村长大的经历。

(Mary Nealon is an award-winning novelist whose work reflects her upbringing in the rural Ireland.)

2. Nealon作为缩写词

解释:Nealon作为缩写词,“Not Even A Little Bit”,指一点也不,表示否定。


- 我对那个决定一点也不满意,我认为我们应该重新考虑。

(I am not pleased with that decision, Nealon. I think we should reconsider.)

- 你能不能让音乐小声点?我头疼得厉害。

(Can you turn the music down, Nealon? I have a terrible headache and I can't tolerate that noise, not even a little bit.)

3. Nealon的相关用法



- 她问我是否可以借200美元,我说“not even a little bit”。

(She asked me if I could lend her $200, and I said "not even a little bit".)

- 我不喜欢他那种傲慢的态度,所以我对他的要求说“no way, Nealon”。

(I don't like his arrogant attitude, so I told him "no way, Nealon" to his request.)

- 我不会为了她而放弃我的理想,这不可能发生,不可能的,Nealon。

(I won't give up my dreams for her, that's not going to happen, not even a little bit, Nealon.)


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