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tipo是什么意思 tipo的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-22 13:01:16
  • 200

tipo是什么意思 tipo的读音、翻译、用法


1. 类型



- What type of coffee do you prefer?

- This car belongs to the sports type.

- The store offers a wide variety of different types of pasta.

- The patient has a rare type of disease.

- She's not my type.

2. 技术规范



- The function requires a variable of type "int".

- The parameter needs to be of type "string".

- This object has a "height" property of type "number".

- The database field should be defined as a "boolean" type.

- The software supports different types of encoding, such as UTF-8 and ASCII.

3. 感叹词



- Tipo, did you really win the lottery?

- He's, like, tipo annoying!

- We can go out tonight, but I'm tipo broke.

- I'm tipo tired after that long flight.

- The concert was tipo amazing!

4. 缩写词


- Taiwan Intellectual Property Office 知识

- Turkish Patent and Trademark Office 土耳其专利和商标局

- Textile Industry Promotion Office (Taiwan) 纺织品工业振兴办公室


- The TIPO has approved our patent application.

- The Turkish TIPO offers a range of services for local businesses.

- The TPIO aims to promote the development of Taiwan's textile industry.



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