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roza是什么意思 roza的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-15 08:37:37
  • 753

roza是什么意思 roza的读音、翻译、用法




例如:Roza Parks was a civil rights activist who refused to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955.

2. Roza是波兰语、俄语和土耳其语中“玫瑰花”的意思。

例如:She picked a beautiful Roza from her garden and gave it to her mother.

3. Roza是一款快捷支付APP,类似于支付宝或微信支付。

例如:I used Roza to pay for my groceries at the supermarket.

4. ROZA是一个计算机术语,代表“Random Oracle Zero-knowledge Argument”,是一种证明电路语言等价性的协议。

例如:The ROZA protocol is used to verify the integrity of computer networks.

5. Roza是一个地名,可能是指印度尼西亚、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯等地区的城市或地区

例如:I traveled to Roza in Indonesia last summer and loved the beautiful beaches there.


1. Roza和她的家人来自俄罗斯。Roza and her family are from Russia.

2. 她把一朵美丽的Roza从花园里摘下来送给了妈妈。She picked a beautiful Roza from her garden and gave it to her mother.

3. 我在超市用Roza支付了我的杂货。I used Roza to pay for my groceries at the supermarket.

4. ROZA协议用于验证计算机网络的完整性。The ROZA protocol is used to verify the integrity of computer networks.

5. 我去了印度尼西亚的Roza上学。I went to school in Roza, Indonesia.


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