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entropy是什么意思 entropy的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-06 11:23:33
  • 98

entropy是什么意思 entropy的读音、翻译、用法

1. 意义:entropy是指在自然系统中,能量或物质的无序程度或混乱程度。在热力学中,熵是一个用于描述热力系统混乱程度的物理量。在信息理论中,熵表示某个事件的不确定性程度。


- The entropy of a gas increases when it expands and the molecules become more disordered. (当气体扩散并分子变得更加无序时,熵会增加。)

- Information entropy measures the amount of uncertainty and randomness in a message or data. (信息熵测量一条信息或数据中的不确定性和随机性程度。)

- The second law of thermodynamics states that entropy always increases in a closed system. (热力学第二定律指出,在封闭系统中,熵总是增加的。)

- The entropy of a black hole is proportional to its suce area. (黑洞的熵与其表面积成正比。)

2. 概念:entropy可以被看作是系统的无序程度或混乱程度,是一个用于描述热力学系统或信息系统的物理或数学概念。


- The higher the entropy of a system, the more disordered it is. (系统的熵越高,它就越无序。)

- In the context of information theory, entropy is a measure of the amount of uncertainty or randomness in a message. (在信息论的语境中,熵是衡量一条信息中不确定性或随机性的一种度量。)

- Entropy is a concept that is used to describe the tendency of natural systems to become disordered over time. (熵是一个概念,用于描述自然系统随着时间的推移而变得无序的趋势。)

- The concept of entropy is important in the study of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. (熵的概念在热力学和统计力学的研究中非常重要。)

3. 应用:entropy可以应用于热力学、信息理论、生态学、经济学等领域,理解和解释一些物理、经济、社会现象。


- Entropy is useful in predicting the behavior of a thermodynamic system as it approaches equilibrium. (熵对于热力学系统接衡时的行为非常有用。)

- In information theory, entropy can be used to calculate the number of bits required to transmit a message. (在信息理论中,熵可以用来计算传输一条信息需要的比特数。)

- Ecologists use entropy to yze the diversity and complexity of ecosystems. (生态学家使用熵来分析生态系统的多样性和复杂性。)

- Entropy can be used to study market behavior and economic trends. (熵可以用于研究市场行为和经济趋势。)

4. 变形:熵在不同领域有着不同的变形,例如:信息熵、热力学熵、生态熵、经济熵等。


- In information theory, entropy is referred to as information entropy or Shannon entropy. (在信息论中,熵被称为信息熵或香农熵。)

- The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of a system always increases over time. (热力学第二定律规定系统的总熵随着时间的推移总是增加的。)

- Ecologists often use the concept of ecological entropy to describe the level of organization and complexity of ecosystems. (生态学家通常使用生态熵的概念来描述生态系统的组织水平和复杂性。)

- The concept of economic entropy is used to study the distribution and behavior of wealth in a society. (经济熵的概念用于研究一个社会中财富的分配和行为。)


1. The entropy of a gas increases when it expands and the molecules become more disordered. (来源:Cambridge Dictionary)

2. Information entropy measures the amount of uncertainty and randomness in a message or data. (来源:Techopedia)

3. The second law of thermodynamics states that entropy always increases in a closed system. (来源:Khan Academy)

4. The entropy of a black hole is proportional to its suce area. (来源:Space.com)

5. Ecologists use entropy to yze the diversity and complexity of ecosystems. (来源:Science Direct)


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