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sundown是什么意思 sundown的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-09 01:19:20
  • 80

sundown是什么意思 sundown的读音、翻译、用法

1. Sundown的含义及用法:


2. Sundown的音标及发音:


3. Sundown的例句:

(1)I'll meet you at the park before sundown. (日落前我会在公园见你。)

(2)The animals come out to hunt at sundown.(动物在日落时出来狩猎。)

(3)We should hurry before sundown or we'll get lost.(我们应该在日落前赶快走,否则会丢失方向。)

(4)The beach is beautiful at sundown.(日落时的海滩非常美丽。)

(5)The birds return to their nests at sundown.(鸟儿在日落时返回自己的窝。)


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