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feel stuck是什么意思 feel stuck的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-01 04:11:30
  • 185

feel stuck是什么意思 feel stuck的读音、翻译、用法

词义: 'feel stuck' 的意思是感到被卡住或无法前进,通常是指在达成目标、解决问题、完成任务等方面遇到了困难,感到不知所措和束手无策。


词组搭配:feel stuck in a rut (过得很平淡乏味)、feel stuck in a dead-end job (陷入绝望的工作)、feel stuck in a relationship (感觉关系走到了尽头)、feel stuck in traffic (被堵在交通拥堵中)、feel stuck in one's ways (固执己见,不愿意改变)、feel stuck in the past (沉溺于过去)


发音拼写:[fiːl stʌk]


1. I feel stuck in my job and I don’t know what to do next.(我觉得我的工作无法继续发展,不知道接下来该怎么办了。)

2. He feels stuck in a rut and needs to make some changes in his life.(他感觉生活过得很单调乏味,需要改变一些事情。)

3. She feels stuck in a relationship that isn’t going anywhere.(她感觉自己的恋情已经到了尽头。)

4. Our car broke down on the highway and we felt stuck in traffic for hours.(我们的车在高速公路上坏了,堵在了交通拥堵中几个小时。)

5. He’s an old man who feels stuck in his ways and refuses to try anything new.(他是一个固执己见的老人,拒绝尝试任何新的事物。)

6. After her divorce, she felt stuck in the past and couldn’t move on.(离婚后,她沉溺于过去,无法前进。)

7. He feels stuck in a dead-end job with no opportunities for advancement.(他觉得自己陷入了毫无发展机会的绝望工作中。)


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