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expier是什么意思 expier的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-15 12:26:13
  • 77

expier是什么意思 expier的读音、翻译、用法



1. Expire






a. My passport expired last month.(我的护照上个月过期了。)

b. The contract is set to expire in three months.(合同将于三个月后到期。)

c. The insurance policy will expire at the end of the year.(保险政策将在年底到期。)

d. The warranty on this product has expired.(这个产品的保修期已经过期了。)

e. His term as president will expire in two years.(他作为总统的任期将于两年后结束。)

2. XPR






a. The XPR configuration needs to be updated.(需要更新XPR配置。)

b. The network engineer checked the XPR status.(网络工程师检查了XPR的状态。)

c. The XPR connection was disrupted due to a power outage.(由于停电,XPR连接被中断了。)

d. The XPR port was configured for VLAN tagging.(XPR端口被配置为VLAN标记。)

e. The XPR configuration guide provided step-by-step instructions.(XPR配置指南提供了逐步说明。)

3. Express






a. She expressed her opinion on the matter.(她对这件事表达了自己的意见。)

b. The express line at the checkout was much faster.(结账处的特快通道明显更快。)

c. The express delivery arrived on time.(特快递送按时到达了。)

d. We have an express requirement from the client.(客户有一个紧急需求。)

e. The newspaper has an express lane for subscribers.(这家报纸为订户设有特别通道。)

4. XP

"XP"是一个常见的缩写词,在计算机领域中表示Windows XP操作系统。可以从以下方面进行说明:


(2)词义:Windows XP 操作系统;



a. The software is compatible with XP and later versions.(该软件与XP及以后的版本兼容。)

b. The computer runs on Windows XP.(这台电脑使用Windows XP操作系统。)

c. The XP desktop background can be customized.(Windows XP桌面背景可以自定义。)

d. The XP system requirements include at least 512 MB of RAM.(Windows XP的系统要求包括至少512 MB的内存。)

e. The XP Service Pack 3 is the latest update for the operating system.(Windows XP服务包3是最新的操作系统更新。)


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