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tweak2是什么意思 tweak2的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-02 04:27:00
  • 81

tweak2是什么意思 tweak2的读音、翻译、用法

1. 意义翻译及定义:tweak2是一个动词,指微调、调整或改进,通常用于技术领域。它可以指出对已经存在的东西进行小幅度调整,或对过程进行细微改进。例如,调整某个程序的代码或设置,或改善某个产品的设计或功能。

2. 用法和用例:

- When it comes to tweaking your website, you need to adjust the layout, optimize the images and improve the loading time. (涉及调整你的网站时,你需要调整布局,优化图片并提高加载速度。)

- I think we could tweak the presentation a bit to make it more engaging for the audience. (我认为我们可以将演示文稿微调一下,使其对观众更具吸引力。)

- After tasting the dish, the chef decided to tweak the recipe by adding a pinch of salt and a bit of lemon juice. (尝过这道菜之后,主厨决定微调配方,加入一点盐和柠檬汁。)

- The software developer spent hours tweaking the code to optimize the performance of the application. (软件开发人员花了几个小时微调代码,优化应用程序的性能。)

- The production team decided to tweak the packaging design to make it more eco-friendly and reduce waste. (制作团队决定微调包装设计,使其更具环保性,减少浪费。)

3. 相关词汇和短语:

- Tweak something up/down: 意为微调、调高或调低某个参数或数值。例如:You can tweak up the volume a bit if you want to hear it better. (如果你想听得更清楚,可以微调一下音量。)

- Fine-tune: 意为精细调整或细微调节,通常用于描述对某个系统、机器或过程的完善。例如:We need to fine-tune the manufacturing process to reduce waste and improve efficiency. (我们需要精细调整制造过程,减少浪费,提高效率。)

- Optimization: 意为优化,指通过各种手段使某个系统、机器或过程达到最佳状态。例如:The company invested heavily in software optimization to improve its website's performance. (公司投资大量资源进行软件优化,以提高网站的性能。)

- Improvement: 意为改进、改善,是tweak的近义词。例如:The new version of the app includes several improvements to its user intece and features. (新版本应用程序包括对用户界面和功能的多项改进。)

- Fine-tuning and tweaking are both important steps in the process of designing and refining a product or system. (精细调整和微调是设计和完善产品或系统过程中的重骤。)


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