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spⅰcy是什么意思 spⅰcy的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-22 05:32:54
  • 590

spⅰcy是什么意思 spⅰcy的读音、翻译、用法


1. Definition: having a strong, pungent taste or flavor from the presence of spices or pepper.

2. Etymology: The word 'spicy' originated from the Middle English word 'spyce', meaning a spice or aroma. The word was first recorded in 1450, and its usage has evolved over time.

3. Synonyms: hot, fiery, piquant, zesty, flavorful, tangy, seasoned.

4. Related words: spiciness, spice, pepper, chili, heat, flavor.

5. Cultural relevance: Spicy foods are a popular culinary trend around the world, with many cultures incorporating spices and heat into their traditional dishes.


1. My favorite dish at the Thai restaurant is the spicy green curry chicken.


2. She couldn't handle the spiciness of the Szechuan hot pot and needed to drink lots of water.


3. Indian cuisine is known for its use of a variety of spices, including cumin, coriander, turmeric, and garam masala.


4. The chef added a hint of spice to the soup to give it extra flavor.


5. I love the spicy kick of the jalapeño peppers in my salsa.



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