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loveagain是什么意思 loveagain的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-07 07:03:01
  • 213

loveagain是什么意思 loveagain的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词义:loveagain是一个由love(爱)和again(再一次)组成的复合词,意为“再次爱上”,表示重新开始爱的感觉和经历。

2. 词性:loveagain是一个动词,表示行为或状态的动作。

3. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有"fall in love again"(重新坠入爱河)、"find love again"(再次找到爱情)等。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:/lʌvəˈɡen/


1. I never thought I could love again after my divorce, but meeting him changed everything.(离婚后,我从未想过我会再次爱上,但遇到他改变了一切。)

2. She was heartbroken after her last relationship, but now she's ready to love again.(经历过上一段恋情后,她心碎了,但现在她已经准备好再次爱上了。)

3. Sometimes it's hard to love again after being hurt, but it's worth taking the risk.(有时在被伤害后再次爱上很难,但冒险也是值得的。)

4. He didn't think he could ever love again after his wife died, but then he met a woman who changed everything.(他曾经认为在妻子去世后再次爱上是不可能的,但后来他遇到了一个改变一切的女人。)

5. After years of being single, she finally decided to take a chance and love again.(经过多年单身,她最终决定冒险再次爱情。)


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