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ifans是什么意思 ifans的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-24 00:41:29
  • 101

ifans是什么意思 ifans的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词义:ifans是“爱好某个明星或事物的粉丝”(fans of a particular celebrity or thing)的缩写。

2. 词性:ifans是一个名词,因此没有词性转换。

3. 词组搭配:常见的ifans的词组搭配有“ifans们”(ifans)和“成为ifans”(to become an ifan)。

4. 短语:ifans的短语包括“ifans文化”(ifan culture),“ifans群体”(ifan community)和“ifans论坛”(ifan forum)等。

5. 发音拼写:ifans的发音为/ˈaɪfænz/,拼写为i-fans。


1. A lot of ifans gathered outside the concert venue, waiting for their favorite star to perform.(很多ifans聚集在音乐会场外,等待他们最喜欢的明星表演。)

2. She became an ifan after watching the movie and was immediately hooked.(她看了那部电影之后就成为了ifan,并立即沉迷其中。)

3. The ifan culture has spread around the world, with millions of fans showing their support online.(ifans文化已经传播到全球,数百万粉丝在网上展示他们的支持。)

4. The ifan community is known for their passionate support and fierce loyalty to their idols.(ifans群体以热情的支持和对偶像的忠诚而闻名。)

5. He spent hours browsing through ifan forums, discussing his favorite artist with fellow fans.(他花了几个小时浏览ifans论坛,和其他粉丝一起讨论他最喜欢的艺人。)


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