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pipe是什么意思 pipe的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-13 08:34:37
  • 176

pipe是什么意思 pipe的读音、翻译、用法



词组搭配:smoking pipe(烟斗)、water pipe(水管)、drain pipe(排水管)、pipe dream(白日梦)、bagpipe(风笛)、pipeline(管道)

短语:blow one's own pipe(吹牛)

发音拼写:英 [paɪp],美 [paɪp]


1. He smoked his pipe and watched the sunset. 他烟斗看日落。

2. The water pipe in my bathroom is leaking. 我浴室的水管在漏水。

3. Can you play the bagpipe? 你会吹风笛吗4. A pipeline was built to transport oil from the field to the refinery. 为了将油田的油输送到炼油厂,建造了一条管道。

5. Don't blow your own pipe, ody likes a braggart. 不要吹嘘自己,没有人喜欢吹牛的人。


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