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riscos是什么意思 riscos的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-27 14:29:57
  • 54

riscos是什么意思 riscos的读音、翻译、用法

词义:RISC OS是一种由Acorn计算机公司开发的操作系统,主要用于Acorn Archimedes和Risc PC计算机。






1. The RISC OS operating system was originally developed by Acorn Computers.

RISC OS 操作系统最初由 Acorn Computers 公司开发。

2. The RISC OS was designed to run exclusively on ARM-based processors.

RISC OS 操作系统专门设计运行在基于 ARM 处理器的计算机上。

3. Though largely supplanted by Windows and other OSes, RISC OS continues to be used by a small but enthusiastic community.

虽然 RISC OS 操作系统已经被 Windows 和其他操作系统所取代,但仍然有一小部分热情的用户在使用。

4. RISC OS was known for its advanced capabilities, and it was widely used in music and video production.

RISC OS 操作系统以其先进的多媒体功能而闻名,并且在音乐和视频制作中被广泛使用。

5. Despite its age, RISC OS still has a loyal following among users who appreciate its unique features and ease of use.

尽管 RISC OS 操作系统已有些年头了,但仍然有一批忠实用户喜欢它的独特功能和易用性。


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