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hitze是什么意思 hitze的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-17 02:22:41
  • 162

hitze是什么意思 hitze的读音、翻译、用法


1. 词源和定义: "hitze" 意为热量或热。这个词可以用来描述物理学中的能量转换,也可以用来指心理上的热情和。


- The hitze generated by the engine propelled the car forward.

- The hitze in the room was unbearable.

- The hitze between them was palpable.

2. 用法:"hitze" 是一个名词,它可以在句子中作为主语、宾语或定语。它也可以被用来构成复合词,如"hitzebeständig"(耐高温的)。


- The hitze of the sun was too much for me to bear.

- The heat-resistant material izebeständig.

- He couldn't stand the hitze of the argument and stormed out of the room.

3. 搭配:"hitze" 可以和许多其他词汇搭配使用,以便更具体地表达意思。


- The intense hitze of the fire destroyed the entire building.

- The hitze of the competition was too much for her to handle.

- The hitze index shows how hot it feels outside.

4. 常用表达:"hitze" 是一个常用的词汇,在不同领域的表达有所不同。


- The athlete felt the hitze of the spotlight as he stepped onto the field.

- The new employees were overwhelmed by the hitze of the job.

- The hitze of the moment caused her to say things she later regretted.

5. 相关单词:经常和"hitze" 搭配使用的单词包括"feuer"(火)、"glut"(灼热)、"wärme"(温暖)等。


- The hitze of the fire caused the wood to catch feuer.

- The hitze and glut of the desert were unbearable.

- The wärme of the sun felt good on my skin.


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