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guardium是什么意思 guardium的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-04 07:30:32
  • 161

guardium是什么意思 guardium的读音、翻译、用法


1. Guardian of the Museum (博物馆守卫者)


- Two guards and a guardium were stationed in the art gallery all night long.

- The guardium was tasked with supervising the CCTV monitors to ensure the safety of the artwork.

- Visitors are not allowed to touch the paintings or sculptures without permission from the guardium.

2. Guardium Technology (保安技术)


- The company has developed a new guardium system that can detect unauthorized access to the building.

- Guardium technology has become more advanced in recent years, allowing for facial recognition and biometric scanning.

- The guardium software can be customized to fit the specific security needs of each client.

3. Guardium University (守卫者大学)


- The students at Guardium University are trained in security and emergency response procedures.

- The curriculum at Guardium University includes courses on cybersecurity, risk management, and crisis communication.

- After graduation, Guardium University alumni are highly sought after by top security firms and government agencies.


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