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keeplive是什么意思 keeplive的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-11 01:00:47
  • 212

keeplive是什么意思 keeplive的读音、翻译、用法

'keeplive' 是一个由两个词组成的复合词,其中'keep'意为“保持”,'live'意为“活着,生存”,因此'keeplive'的意思是“保持活着”。



1. keep alive message: 保持在线信息

2. keep alive interval: 保持在线间隔

3. keep alive time: 保持在线时间

4. keep alive signal: 保持在线信号

5. keep the connection alive: 保持连接


1. The network system will send a keep alive message every minute to ensure that the connection remains active. (网络系统会每分钟发送一个保持在线信息,以确保连接保持活动状态。)

2. The server has a setting that allows you to adjust the keep alive interval. (服务器有一个设置,可以调整保持在线间隔。)

3. If the keep alive time is too short, the connection may drop frequently. (如果保持在线时间太短,连接可能会经常中断。)

4. The keep alive signal ensures that the client is still connected to the server. (保持在线信号确保客户端仍然连接到服务器。)

5. We need to keep the connection alive to transfer the data successfully. (我们需要保持连接以成功传输数据。)


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