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immeasurable是什么意思 immeasurable的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-30 04:14:47
  • 182

immeasurable是什么意思 immeasurable的读音、翻译、用法



词组搭配:immeasurable distance(无限远的距离),immeasurable joy(无尽的喜悦),immeasurable wealth(巨大的财富),immeasurable beauty(无尽的美),immeasurable time(无限的时间)。




1. The immeasurable beauty of the natural world never ceases to amaze me.(自然界无穷的美丽始终让我感到惊叹。)

2. The losses from the war were immeasurable.(战争造成的损失是无法计量的。)

3. Time is immeasurable and it can never be regained once it is lost.(时间是无穷无尽的,一旦失去就再也无法回来。)

4. The impact of climate change on our planet could be immeasurable.(气候变化对我们的星球可能产生无法计量的影响。)

5. The immeasurable wealth of the billionaire allowed him to live a life of luxury.(亿万富翁的巨大财富让他过着豪华的生活。)

6. The teacher's immeasurable patience helped the student to finally understand the difficult math concept.(老师无穷的耐心帮助学生最终理解了难懂的数学概念。)

7. The immeasurable distance between our two planets makes it unlikely that we will ever communicate with extraterrestrial life.(我们两个星球之间无限远的距离使得我们很难与外星生命进行沟通。)


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