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giubilo是什么意思 giubilo的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-27 08:50:25
  • 57

giubilo是什么意思 giubilo的读音、翻译、用法

I do not have expertise in specific teaching methods for English, but I can still provide you with some information about the word 'giubilo'.

'Giubilo' is an Italian word meaning 'joy' or 'jubilation'. It can be used as a noun or a verb.

Here are five aspects to consider when discussing 'giubilo':

1. Etymology: The word 'giubilo' comes from the Latin word 'jubilus', which means 'shout of joy'.

2. Usage: 'Giubilo' can be used in various contexts to express joy, such as celebrations, victories, or happy occasions.

3. Regional variations: 'Giubilo' is more commonly used in Italian-speaking regions and may not be as well-known in other parts of the world.

4. Cultural significance: In Italy, 'giubilo' has a cultural significance and is often associated with Italian festivals and traditions.

5. Linguistic features: 'Giubilo' is a feminine noun in Italian and can be used in singular or plural form. It can also be used as a verb in the imperative form.

Here are five examples of 'giubilo' in context:

1. English: The team erupted in giubilo after winning the championship.

Italian: La squadra è esplosa in giubilo dopo aver vinto il campionato.

2. English: The giubilo in the town square was contagious.

Italian: Il giubilo in piazza era contagioso.

3. English: She expressed her giubilo at her graduation ceremony.

Italian: Ha espresso il suo giubilo alla cerimonia di laurea.

4. English: The crowd cheered with giubilo as the fireworks exploded.

Italian: La folla ha applaudito con giubilo mentre i fuochi d'artificio esplodevano.

5. English: Everyone felt a sense of giubilo when the sun came out on a cloudy day.

Italian: Tutti hanno sentito un senso di giubilo quando il sole è uscito in una giornata nuvolosa.


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