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binhao是什么意思 binhao的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-27 00:51:13
  • 389

binhao是什么意思 binhao的读音、翻译、用法



1. 笔画:在中文书写中,"笔画"是指每个汉字所需要的笔画数目。在这种情况下,"binhao"可以被理解为"笔画数"。


- This character has six strokes, and its "binhao" is six.

- Chinese calligraphy is known for its attention to detail, including the number of "binhao" in each character.

- In Japan, "kanji" characters are also classified based on the number of "binhao" they have.

2. 编号:"编号"是指为不同事物分配的唯一标识符。"binhao"可以被用作"编号"的缩写。


- Please give me your account "binhao" so I can access your file.

- All items in the inventory are labeled with a specific "binhao" for easy tracking.

- Each student is assigned a "binhao" when they register for the course.

3. 比较好:在某些口语中,"binhao"可以作为"比较好"的意思。


- How was the food at that restaurant? - "Binhao", I would say it's worth a try.

- I'm feeling "binhao" today, thanks for asking.

- Would you say your new job is "binhao" so far?



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