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smithee是什么意思 smithee的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-27 14:24:24
  • 251

smithee是什么意思 smithee的读音、翻译、用法

'smithee' 实际上不是普通的单词,而是一个虚构的姓氏,通常被用来表示电影导演不希望被认可或与某部电影联系在一起而匿名使用的代号。因此,'smithee' 在语言学上属于伪词或者半词。







1. The director chose to use the pseudonym "John Smithee" to protest the studio's interference with his film.

2. The film is credited to Alan Smithee, even though multiple directors worked on it.

3. Smithee is a name that has become synonymous with disowning one's own work in Hollywood.

4. The use of the Smithee pseudonym was popularized in the 1960s to allow directors to disavow films that they considered to be compromised.

5. He was unhappy with the final cut of the film and decided to use the Smithee pseudonym instead of his own name.

6. The Smithee name has become iconic in the film industry as a way of indicating that the director is not proud of the final product.

7. In some cases, the use of the Smithee pseudonym can actually attract attention to a film because of the mystery around its true creator.


1. 导演选择使用化名“约翰·斯密西”来制片厂对他的电影的干预。

2. 尽管有多名导演参与了这部电影的制作,但它的制作人员为艾伦·斯密西。

3. 在好莱坞,“斯密西”这个名字已经成为与否认自己的作品联系在一起的同义词。

4. 20世纪60年代,使用Smithee化名的做法流行起来,让导演们可以否认他们认为已经被损害的电影。

5. 导演对电影的最终剪辑不满意,决定使用Smithee化名而不是自己的名字。

6. Smithee这个名字在电影业中已经成为一种标志,说明导演对最终成品并不自豪。

7. 在一些情况下,使用Smithee化名实际上可以吸引人们对一部电影的关注,因为它的真正创作者的神秘性。


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