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timorate是什么意思 timorate的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-08 07:24:29
  • 68

timorate是什么意思 timorate的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词义: timorate是一个虚构的词,没有明确的定义,但可能与“timid”(胆小的)或“intimidate”(恐吓)有关。

2. 词性: 不存在于英语词典中,是一个虚构的单词。

3. 词组搭配: 因为这个词是虚构的,没有相关的词组搭配。

4. 短语: 因为这个词是虚构的,没有相关的短语。

5. 发音拼写: timorate的发音为/ˈtɪməreɪt/。


1. He was so timorate that he refused to speak up during the meeting. (他非常胆小,拒绝在会议中发言。)

2. The politician tried to timorate the voters by threatening to cut funding to public schools. (这位家试图通过威胁削减公立学校的资金来恐吓选民。)

3. She had always been timorate, but after taking self-defense cl, she felt more confident. (她一直都很胆小,但是在上了自卫课后,她感觉更有信心了。)

4. The dog barked loudly, trying to timorate the intruder. (狗大声吠叫,试图恐吓入侵者。)

5. The teacher noticed that the student was timorate and encouraged him to partite in class more. (老师注意到这个学生很胆小,鼓励他更多地参与课堂活动。)


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