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grudging是什么意思 grudging的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-03 10:01:21
  • 52

grudging是什么意思 grudging的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性:'grudging'是一个形容词,表示不情愿的或者勉强的。


- She gave a grudging smile when she saw her ex-boyfriend.


- He offered his grudging support for the project.


2. 同义词:有时候可以使用'reluctant'来代替'grudging'。两个词的意思非常相似,都表示对某事不情愿。


- The students were reluctant to speak in front of the class.


- The employee's grudging acceptance of the new policy was evident.


3. 反义词:'willing'或者'enthusiastic'都是'grudging'的反义词。它们分别表示愿意或者充满热情的态度。


- She was willing to help her friend move to a new apartment.


- The team showed enthusiastic support for their coach.


4. 搭配词:'grudging acceptance'是一个常用的搭配词,表示勉强接受某件事情。


- The government's grudging acceptance of the protesters' demands did not satisfy the people.


- The boss's grudging acceptance of the employee's resignation was disappointing.


5. 具体应用:'grudging'可以用来描述不同的情境,如工作,学习等等。


- Despite his grudging attitude, he managed to finish the task on time.


- Her grudging effort to learn a new language was noticeable.



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