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fuge是什么意思 fuge的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-06 14:48:35
  • 54

fuge是什么意思 fuge的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词源和意义:'fuge'是指"逃跑"或者"逃离"。这个单词源于拉丁文的"fugere",意思是"逃跑"。


- The prisoners attempted to fuge from the jail but were quickly caught by the guards. (囚犯试图从逃跑,但很快被看守逮住了。)

- She had to fuge from her abusive husband to protect herself and her children. (她不得不离开她的丈夫,保护自己和孩子。)

2. 用法:'fuge'通常作为动词使用,表示"逃跑"或者"逃离"。它可以和其他词组成短语,例如"fugitive"和"fugitive from justice"。


- The fugitive managed to fuge from the police and is still on the run. (逃犯成功地逃出了的视线,仍然在逃亡。)

- The criminal was a fugitive from justice for years before he was finally caught. (罪犯在多年的时间里一直是逃犯,最终被抓获。)

3. 常见用法:'fuge'经常被用于描述人们在危险或不安全的情况下逃跑或逃离的行为。它也可以用来形容某种情况或状态的发展方向,例如"brain drain"。


- When the fire broke out, everyone tried to fuge from the building as quickly as possible. (火灾发生时,每个人都尽可能快地逃出建筑。)

- The country was experiencing a serious brain drain as talented professionals left for better opportunities abroad. (这个国家正经历严重的人才流失,才华横溢的专业人士前往海外寻找更好的机会。)

4. 含义的变化:'fuge'一般指的是逃跑或逃离,但在某些情况下它的含义可能会发生变化。例如,"centrifuge"是一种设备,用于分离混合物中的不同组分。


- The lab technician used a centrifuge to separate the blood components. (实验室技术人员使用离心机分离血液成分。)

- The washing machine has a spin cycle that functions like a centrifuge to remove excess water from clothes. (洗衣机有一个旋转周期,像离心机一样,用于从衣服中除去多余的水分。)


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