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gillman是什么意思 gillman的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-26 09:16:39
  • 554

gillman是什么意思 gillman的读音、翻译、用法


gillman的词组搭配包括:gillman monster(鱼人怪兽)、creature from the Black Lagoon(黑湖怪物)等。



1. The movie Creature from the Black Lagoon, which featured the gill-man monster, became very popular in the 1950s.(以鱼人怪兽为主角的电影《黑湖怪物》在20世纪50年代非常流行。)

2. The gillman's unique features made it a popular choice for costume parties during Halloween.(鱼人怪兽独特的特征使之成为万圣节化妆派对上的热门选择。)

3. The gillman's appearance is often compared to that of a fish, due to its gills and fins.(由于鱼鳃和鱼鳍,鱼人怪兽的形象经常被比作鱼类。)

4. In the 1954 movie Creature from the Black Lagoon, the gillman is captured by a group of scientists and studied in a lab.(在1954年电影《黑湖怪物》中,科学家们捕获了鱼人怪兽并将其送到实验室进行研究。)

5. The gillman's menacing appearance and fierce demeanor made it a terrifying villain in many horror movies.(鱼人怪兽的凶恶外表和凶猛态度使它成为许多恐怖电影中可怕的恶棍。)


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